
“I don’t want to obsess them with patterns”, Carlo Ancelotti reveals the secrets of his success



Carlo Ancelotti is a fantastic coach. According to many sports commentators, he is the greatest coach in the history of football.

One thing is certain, his results speak for themselves and for him.

The Italian tactician has revealed the secrets of his success and longevity as a football coach.

“I don’t want to obsess my players with predefined schemes, but rather allow room for their individual initiative.

Obviously, there’s the off-the-ball work, sacrifice, and concentration, which I emphasize a lot tactically, but creativity is fundamental, especially among players like ours, who have so much talent,” Carlo Ancelotti hinted. Speaking about the secret of his longevity, Carlo Ancelotti stated: “first of all, I will say two things: passion and not obsession. I think obsession is a disease, and fortunately, I am not obsessed. It’s the passion that prevails and that’s what allows me to continue.”

The coach of the white house, in conclusion, let it be known that Real Madrid never gives up.

“It’s difficult to explain what a player feels when they put on this shirt. It’s the history and tradition of this club.

This group of players feels something special when they are at Real Madrid, and it brings out this energy that no one expects,” he suggested.


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